The Lake George Land Conservancy has established three trails at the Last Great Shoreline Preserve: the blue trail, Andia-ta-roc-te Trail (red) and the yellow trail.
After a short walk from the parking area to the kiosk, the blue trail gradually descends from the kiosk at an elevation of 552 feet approximately 1.20 miles southwest through the preserve to a scenic overlook that provides a west-facing view of Lake George. The blue trail is easy to navigate, with minimal elevation change. From the overlook the trail makes a short, but steep descent to the dock.
The Andia-ta-roc-te Trail is demarcated by red markers and is an off-shoot of the blue trail. After heading east a short distance to an opening overlooking Sucker Brook and the Green Mountains to the east, the red trail turns south heading along the upper edge of the Sucker Brook valley. After turning west, it reconnects with the blue trail. It is a relatively easy trail, only 0.35 miles in length.
Andia-ta-roc-te is the Iroquois name for the lake, meaning “where the lake is closed in by mountains.” The name was chosen to honor the native people who lived in this area and to try to keep alive their sense of connection with nature and their stewardship of land and water.
Please note the yellow triangle connector trail. Starting at the intersection with the blue trail it follows the ridge line, then descends a short, very steep rocky area before following a logging road to the yellow trail at Gull Bay Preserve. Please use caution!
Please stay on the marked trails.
Please be courteous of other preserve guests.
No removal of plants or animals without permission.
LGLC allows hunting at Last Great Shoreline by permit only. Please visit our Hunting on LGLC Lands page for more information and to apply for a hunting permit.
Please use caution when hiking during hunting seasons – wear bright colors and hike in groups. Hunters – please be aware of hikers and hunt away from trails. Please follow NYS DEC’s Hunting Safety Rules
No camping, littering or fires.
Motorized or non-motorized recreational vehicles are NOT allowed except as arranged with the local snowmobile club.
Leashed dogs are permitted but should not be brought to the Gull Bay Preserve due to its ecological sensitivity.
Please park only in the preserve’s designated area.
The Last Great Shoreline Preserve is located in the Town of Putnam and was acquired in 2009. The preserve is comprised of four parcels totaling 351 acres.
The Last Great Shoreline Preserve (LGS) protects approximately 1,925’ feet of Lake George shoreline and is one of the most ecologically significant and undeveloped parcels on the eastern shore of Lake George. The LGS also includes Jumping Rock. Jumping Rock itself will remain accessible to the public only by water; the remainder of that property is closed to public access.
The LGS is primarily a northern hardwood-hemlock forest, the only exception being a 100-acre wetland complex of Sucker Brook. The Sucker Brook wetlands include a rare white cedar swamp and serves as an important area for wildlife, particularly birds and amphibians. The wetland also stores flood waters, recharges groundwater, and filters surface water, thereby contributing clean water to Lake George.
The Preserve’s trail system is currently 3.0 miles in total length and includes two scenic viewspots. The kiosk and trailhead are located on the left-hand side of Warrick Road, approximately 0.8 miles from its intersection with Glenburnie Road, and a short walk from the designated parking area on the right side of Warrick Road. Please do not park on the shoulder of the road.
Please enjoy our seasonal dock that will accommodate multiple boats. Canoes and kayaks are welcome too along the shore! The dock is open dawn to dusk on a first-come, first-served basis.
Protecting the land that protects the lake since 1988. The Lake George Land Conservancy is an accredited not-for-profit land trust dedicated to working with willing landowners and other partners to protect the world-renowned water quality of Lake George and to permanently preserve the natural, scenic, historical and recreational resources of the Lake George Region.