18 February, 2025
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(1901 – 1992)
What do Jabe Pond, the Schumann Preserve at Pilot Knob, and Anthony’s Nose have in common? They are all available to the public thanks to Helen V. Froehlich.
Helen V. Froehlich was an adventurer, author, nature lover, and philanthropist whose love of Lake George led her to create a charitable trust that supports organizations involved in the conservation of the lake and its water quality, as well as the beautiful lands that surround it.
Helen traveled extensively, but her heart kept her at Lake George. She quietly lived her final 20 years in Huletts Landing at a residence she built and named Rivendell. Here, she continued to be an active hiker and skier, and became involved with numerous arts, cultural, and environmental organizations until her death in 1992 at the age of 91. During these years Lake George so endeared itself to Helen that she devoted her legacy to its protection.
“Whatever happens, the good earth has always nurtured its people and will still be there for wiser generations to enjoy.”
Helen V. (Kerr) Froehlich, from the book she authored, ``Rock Doctor’s Wife``
The Helen V. Froelich Foundation was established in 1993 to provide support for botanical gardens and for natural resource conservation. Since then the Foundation has gifted more than $4.3-million to the Lake George Land Conservancy. These gifts made possible the permanent protection of such iconic properties as the Schumann Preserve at Pilot Knob, Anthony’s Nose, Cat and Thomas Mountains Preserve, and lands within the Sucker Brook Preserve.
This year, a grant from the Froehlich Foundation is supporting the LGLC’s partnership with Wiawaka Center for Women to permanently protect 47 acres of forested uplands through the use of a conservation easement.
The lands protected by the LGLC with support from the Helen V. Froehlich Foundation ensure clean water, natural habitat, scenic splendor, and public access for recreation. Helen’s legacy allows these places to be enjoyed by millions of people each year, instilling in future generations the same appreciation of our natural surroundings she held so dearly.
The Lake George Land Conservancy is proud to carry out Helen V. Froehlich’s vision of protecting Lake George for future generations through projects like the Wiawaka Uplands.
About Us
Protecting the land that protects the lake since 1988. The Lake George Land Conservancy is an accredited not-for-profit land trust dedicated to working with willing landowners and other partners to protect the world-renowned water quality of Lake George and to permanently preserve the natural, scenic, historical and recreational resources of the Lake George Region.
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15 January, 2025 No comment
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