2019 Annual Report

Click to view LGLC’s Annual Report for fiscal year 2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019).

In FY19, the Lake George Land Conservancy (LGLC) celebrated 30 years of protecting the land that protects the lake.

Thanks to you, during that time we protected nearly 11,000 acres of forest, wetlands, lakefront, stream corridors, and uplands that keep Lake George’s water clean and make this watershed so special. Together, we have invested $12 million into lasting protection.

For 30 years, the LGLC has watched over our protected land. Thanks to you, we will continue to ensure that both the land and lake that it protects are here for future generations to enjoy.

The LGLC added to our 30 years of “Protecting the Land that Protects the Lake” in FY19; here are some highlights:

  • Permanently protected another 442 acres of forest, wetlands, habitat, and scenic viewshed;
  • Managed and maintained over 7,800 acres of land, including more than 35 miles of trails;
  • Treated or removed a variety of terrestrial invasives on 5 cumulative acres watershed-wide.

Ensuring permanence also means having a strong organization, today and for the future. The LGLC endowments have increased 21.9% in total value this fiscal year, while at the same time providing $165,000 for projects.

Additionally, as members of the Lake George community, we’re proud to contribute to economic vitality by drawing visitors and residents to our downtowns by organizing events and opportunities, such as:

  • the annual Hike-A-Thon, involving nearly 700 people;
  • 34 Walks & Talks held throughout the year, actively engaging more than 2,100 people;
  • volunteer activities in the field or supporting the organization’s development and outreach efforts. More than 2,400 hours were spent by 188 volunteers in FY19 to help the LGLC.

We could not have accomplished so much to protect this special place without you. Regardless of your reasons for support—to further the protection of water quality, habitat, viewsheds, or a place with special memories, the enjoyment of outdoor recreation or because you enjoy our events—the impact is long-lasting and REAL. Every time you look around the lake and see a pristine forest, undisturbed wetlands, or a natural stream bed—think to yourself that you had something to do with that.

Your support is crucial to our ability to continue providing permanent protection for Lake George. Because of you, future generations will be able to enjoy clean water, scenic views, and unfragmented forests. We are grateful for all that you have done to make FY19 a successful year.

Thank you!

Click to view LGLC’s Annual Report for fiscal year 2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019).