2020 Annual Report

Click to view LGLC’s Annual Report for 2020, covering the organization’s activities from July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020 (financials reflecting the fiscal year of July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020).


Dear Friends,
In order for you to have a clearer understanding of our activities, this Annual Report is formatted somewhat differently than prior years. Commentary covers 18 months—fiscal year July 1, 2019 thru June 30, 2020 plus the last 6 months of calendar 2020. Our financial statement presentation remains the same as prior reports—July 1, 2019 thru June 30, 2020.

It is amazing to look back over the extended time-period. Summer and fall 2019 saw packed in-person LGLC events; smiling, uncovered faces on the trails throughout the watershed; and no immediate threats to the land or the lake. Of course, 2020 saw a transition to virtual events, face coverings and addressing invasive pest infestations.

What is so inspiring is to see what remained the same over this extended period. Your commitment to protecting this special place remained steadfast and true and thanks to you, the LGLC:

  • Permanently protected 326 acres of land located throughout the watershed—projects that include Bradley’s Lookout and Twin Pines in Bolton, and the Fairy Brook and Foster Brook properties in the Huletts Landing area. These protected acres ensure that millions of gallons of water will forever be filtered and cleaned as they flow into Lake George.
  • Ensured that 14 lots, along with the accompanying septic systems, roads, driveways, and impervious surfaces, will never be developed, forever protecting the lake from being harmed by malfunctioning septic systems or poor construction practices.
  • Devoted over 700 hours to the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) threat in the watershed. This included surveying the infestation at DEC’s Glen Island Campground and The Nature Conservancy’s Dome Island; managing the Dome Island infestation; monitoring our land; holding educational workshops; meeting with partners and landowners; and funding monitors to survey priority hemlock sites throughout the watershed.

Despite the challenging times, the LGLC has never been more financially sound or operationally efficient. Our debt is minimal. Thanks to generous donors, our endowments are at $5 million, the result of additional generous contributions and stock market appreciation. Annual cash flow from the endowments have allowed us to protect approximately 750 acres around the lake since their inception. We have maintained constant staffing levels since 2016 while greatly adding to our land holdings and stewardship needs.

As our land continues to forever perform its tireless work of protecting the lake, it performs other invaluable functions, including providing scenic beauty and a common sense of place, hope, and refuge to everyone who lives in or visits the watershed. We received many messages and donations from grateful people who discovered the LGLC’s land and our work because visiting it was one of the few safe and enjoyable activities available. The land is an amazing outreach tool and we are glad that so any people enjoyed our preserves when they needed it most.

Similarly, our events, which went virtual this year, had the same effect. Events are revenue-neutral, with costs covered by grants, sponsorships, and other non-donation sources, and these events are intended more to educate the public about land protection work rather than to raise funds. In a year when people were starved for safe, interesting activities, we offered more. We added new video content to our YouTube channel, including the summer Living Land Series, which received over 600 views. We kept supporters informed via social media channels on Facebook (3,500 followers) and Instagram (2,100 followers). We continued to help more people to stay connected to the land that protects the lake, strengthening their bond to this special place.

During these difficult times, you showed how much the land that protects the lake means to you. We were so very moved not only by your support, but also by your notes and letters, emails, social media posts, and photographs, and your overwhelming love for the lake and what it does for the lake and for you.

We begin 2021 with great hope and energy. Many land protection projects that will permanently protect the lake should close soon. These projects are located throughout the watershed, including: Huletts Landing, Putnam, Bolton, and the south basin. Thanks to your support we have already allocated appropriate resources to a number of these projects, however several will require major additional financial commitments. You will hear more about these projects during the year. We thank you for your support and for making a lasting, meaningful impact on our beloved lake.

Michael O’Reilly, President

Jamie Brown, Executive Director