21 Jul Lake Talks Continue with Rangers, Rattlesnakes and Raptors!
LGLC's Lake Talks take place on Wednesday evenings starting at 6 pm, at the Center for Conservation at 4905...
LGLC's Lake Talks take place on Wednesday evenings starting at 6 pm, at the Center for Conservation at 4905...
For Immediate Release: June 17, 2015 The Pinnacle is officially owned by the Town of Bolton and protected by a...
Gerald and Maddy Malovany are the winners of our Spring Appeal drawing and have won a seat in the...
The dock is in at the Last Great Shoreline! LGLC supporters can now access the property's trails by boat...
Click here to view LGLC's spring 2015 newsletter. What's inside: Hague project exemplifies partnering for the lake Anthony's Nose gets public access; Bolton...
State of New York | Executive Chamber Andrew M. Cuomo | Governor 5/20/2015 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the state acquisition...
Interested in hiking the Pinnacle? Join us on May 17, 2015 at 1pm for a guided hike up the...
Kind words from supporters of the Pinnacle Project, Peter and Linda Fedorick: The LGLC is doing a fantastic job. The...
Thanks to recent warm temps, the Schumann Preserve at Pilot Knob has been re-opened. Much of the dangerous ice...
The Lake George Land Conservancy has five weeks remaining to raise $157,990 and complete its purchase of the 75-acre...