Thank you for supporting these critical projects!

We appreciate your generous contributions to protecting the Lake George watershed and hope that by opening up our FAN in advance, we can truly celebrate the company of our wonderful community.

Clark Hollow Bay

Located in the Town of Putnam just past Gull Bay Road Extension, this 60 acre parcel of undisturbed forest connects a crucial piece of preserved land along the Northeastern Shoreline of Lake George. The Clark Hollow Bay project, including half a mile of untouched shoreline and 1,300 feet of stream corridor, is LGLC’s largest financial commitment to date.

The property was previously approved for a 7-lot subdivision including 3 boat houses and on-site septic. In protecting the land, the LGLC is ensuring permanent protection of Lake George water quality, preserving a pristine viewshed, and supporting the habitat of important native species, like the threatened timber rattlesnake.

This area is crucial to the natural and wild beauty of Northern Lake George and we ask that you join us in finishing this groundbreaking project.

Please help us complete the Beaty Family Challenge!

The Beaty Family Challenge is being gifted in memory of James (Jim) Beaty by his two brothers, wife, son and a cousin. The Beatys’ love of Lake George’s pristine beauty began generations ago when Jim’s grandfather, Dr. Albert Corscaden, bought a piece of land in Hague and built a house there in 1914. The family has supported the LGLC and its efforts to preserve Lake George since its inception in 1988.

The Beaty Family has pledged $325,000 to provide a dollar-for-dollar match for donations to the Clark Hollow Bay project. To date, we have raised just over $125,000 – please help us complete the challenge!

FUND-A-NEED GOAL: Complete the Beaty Family Challenge!

Wiawaka Uplands

Wiawaka Center for Women is the nation’s oldest continually running women’s retreat center. The organization aims to enrich the lives of women by offering affordable opportunities to recreate in a natural and serene setting. Wiawaka owns 47 acres of undeveloped forest across from its main house, just outside of Lake George Village. The LGLC will buy a conservation easement for the upland parcel to preserve the ecological and historical qualities of the land.

Protecting the southern basin is crucial to the health of Lake George as it is a dense zoning region with high levels of development. 

Scenic view from Wiawaka's mountainside. The lake is calm and blue, and the trees are green and lush.

We are asking for your aid in the projected cost of $850,000 for the purchase of a conservation easement from Wiawaka to forever protect this undeveloped upland forest in the south basin of Lake George.

In partnering with Wiawaka, the LGLC will be able to preserve the property’s scenic and conservation values as well as grow exposure to both organizations by allowing public access to its trails. The property includes 1,500 feet of tributary to Lake George and around 5 acres of wetlands, instrumental in filtering pollutants in the Lake’s waters.


Stewardship: Invasive Species Management

Stewardship at the Lake George Land Conservancy requires a complex blend of property management, research, ecological monitoring and an understanding of what’s best for the elaborate ecosystem that makes up the Lake George watershed.

This aspect of land conservation is what allows us to make good on our promise of forever as we strive to ensure the health of our preserves can support the web of life that surrounds it and eventually the water quality of the lake.

One of the top priorities for the LGLC’s stewardship program is combating the terrestrial invasives that continue to threaten the Lake George watershed.

A group of people wearing reflective safety gear are talking and surrounded by green trees.

Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) remains the most imminent threat to our native and abundant hemlock forests. With direct assistance from past Fund-A-Needs, we have been able to vigilantly monitor our lands and are proud to say that with your help we’ve kept our properties HWA free.

Each year our steward walks 60+ miles throughout the watershed monitoring LGLC lands for HWA as part of early detection efforts. We also assist with the treatment of 30+ acres, including Dome Island, and help trail hundreds of volunteer citizen scientists.

Join us in continuing these efforts to preserve the health of the watershed where it is needed most.

A woman inspecting a branch of hemlock.
If you are new to the Celebration, please help us by continuing to spread the word, and contribute – your support today will mean greater protections for Lake George in the future. Thank you!
About Us

Protecting the land that protects the lake since 1988. The Lake George Land Conservancy is an accredited not-for-profit land trust dedicated to working with willing landowners and other partners to protect the world-renowned water quality of Lake George and to permanently preserve the natural, scenic, historical and recreational resources of the Lake George Region.

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