September 28, 2021 Huletts Landing Conservation Initiative
Huletts Landing, Town of Dresden
Huletts Landing is a hamlet of the Town of Desden, Washington County, in the northeastern region of the lake. These efforts are crucial to managing stormwater flow and reducing the amount of sediment and contaminants entering Lake George.
The Huletts Landing Conservation Initiative is an ongoing effort that, like the LGLC’s similar effort in Bolton’s Indian Brook/Northwest Bay Brook area, focuses on the most sensitive lands in order to have the greatest impact on the water quality of Lake George and its tributaries.
Thanks to our generous supporters, land protected through these efforts will continue to filter and clean the millions of gallons of water that flow over and through it on its way into Lake George for many generations to come.
Generous LGLC supporters contributed nearly $54,000 for the Huletts Landing Initiative during our virtual Land & Water Conservation Celebration, July 31-August 2! Watch our promo video shared during the Celebration here (link to YouTube).
On July 8, 2020, we protected 25 acres on County Rt 6 in the Town of Dresden, which includes 1,300 feet of Fairy Brook, a tributary of Lake George. This property had been approved for the construction of a small house and leach field near the steep slopes leading to the stream. Its protection has effectively prevented a potentially significant negative impact on the property’s sensitive and erodible slopes. Read the full acquisition announcement.
In addition, we are actively engaged in discussions with other landowners and continue to work to protect this important area. More to come!
In June and July, the LGLC secured two parcels in Huletts Landing, totaling 137 acres: a 112-acre forested parcel off of County Road 6, and a 25-acre upland parcel adjacent to Elephant Mountain. Combined, the properties include more than 7,800 feet of stream corridors that lead to Lake George, and two acres of wetlands and beaver ponds, which are the headwaters of one of these now protected tributaries.
The properties were secured using the LGLC’s Rowan Land Opportunity Fund. This revolving Fund allows the LGLC to quickly secure important properties until the projects can be fully funded through grants and individual donations.
The LGLC’s protection of this land makes a lasting, positive impact both on Lake George and the wonderful community of Huletts Landing. The properties are currently not open to the public except by special request, due to limited accessibility.
The LGLC protected 37 acres by purchasing a 33.3-acre upland piece and a conservation easement on the adjoining lower 3.7-acres lakefront property. The lower property includes an old home (“the White House”), nearly 1/4-mile of stream corridor, and over 600 feet of Lake George shorefront. The upland property, now called the Leeming Jelliffe Preserve, shares a 1/2-mile boundary with Spruce Mountain, owned by New York State, and has a short, marked trail that leads to a viewpoint overlooking Lake George.
The conservation project was made possible thanks to the generous support and cooperation of Paul and Sylvia Lawler, and Paul’s employer, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, which matched their gift.
Helen V. Froehlich Foundation
Paul and Sylvia Lawler
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Individual Donors