Lake Talks Continue with Rangers, Rattlesnakes and Raptors!

LGLC’s Lake Talks take place on Wednesday evenings starting at 6 pm, at the Center for Conservation at 4905 Lake Shore Dr. in Bolton Landing. These are free public programs, so come out and join us! No RSVP required. For more information visit or email

Coming up:

July 22: Forest Rangers

Rick Schroder and his fellow rangers will talk about what they do to promote conservation, keep visitors safe on the trails and how they work with LGLC to manage properties (such as Cat and Thomas Mountains Preserve) around Lake George.

July 29: Timber Rattlesnakes

Dr. Bill Brown will speak about timber rattlesnake, its natural history and habits, as well as conservation efforts and management of the Lake George basin‛s timber rattlesnake population. Dr. Brown began a long-term study of the life history and ecology of the timber rattlesnake in 1978. Now in its 36th year, the study involves capturing, marking, releasing, and recapturing rattlesnakes in the southeastern Adirondacks. (Note: This Talk will be held at the Bolton Town Hall.)

August 12: Meet the Raptors

Nancy Kimball, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, will present a program on the characteristics and behaviors of raptors that live in this area. Nancy has 12 years of experience in the field of home-based wildlife rehabilitation, and will be accompanied at this presentation by some of her educational birds.