Discovery Series: Birding at the Overlook

Godwin Preserve Padanarum Rd, Bolton Landing, New York

Take a hike up to the Godwin Preserve Overlook and check out some Adirondack birds close up. This overlook...


Discovery Series: “Neat”ure Hike!

The Pinnacle Preserve Edgecomb Pond Rd, Bolton Landing, New York

Nature is pretty neat, come see some of the neatest things out there on a hike about all the...


Discovery Series: Pond Life

LGLC Office 4905 Lake Shore Dr, Bolton Landing, New York

Get hands on with science exploration in an Adirondack Pond! You’ll use sampling nets to capture and examine different...


Discovery Series: Stream Sampling

Amy's Park Padanarum Rd, Bolton Landing, NY

There’s tons of life in a moving stream, you just have to know where to look! We’ll use nets...


Discovery Series: Critters of All Sizes

Godwin Preserve Padanarum Rd, Bolton Landing, New York

Join a Naturalist for a walk looking for signs of animal life! We’ll keep an eye out for insects,...


Discovery Series: Adirondack Geology

The Pinnacle Preserve Edgecomb Pond Rd, Bolton Landing, New York

Wander up the Pinnacle trail with a Naturalist and learn about the geology of the Lake George basin. You’ll...


Discovery Series: Watersheds

Amy's Park Padanarum Rd, Bolton Landing, NY

Come walk along the wetlands at Amy’s Park and observe how water moves into the Lake George basin. 1.4...


Discovery Series: Falling Into Winter

Godwin Preserve Padanarum Rd, Bolton Landing, New York

Walk through the Godwin Preserve observing how Adirondack plants and animals prepare for winter. This hike will include a...


Discovery Series: Changing Trees

The Pinnacle Preserve Edgecomb Pond Rd, Bolton Landing, New York

Join a Naturalist on a walk through the forest observing how the local trees are changing before winter, and...
