Providing public access for hunting benefits local communities, and is part of an holistic approach to forest management.
The LGLC owns and manages over 4,000 acres of land in the Lake George watershed. The following preserves are open for hunting, by permit only:
At this time, the LGLC only allows hunting of deer. No other game hunting is permitted. Click here to download and read LGLC’s complete hunting rules.
If a property is not listed above, it is not a publicly-hunted property. This may be due to property size, proximity to residential neighbors or other recreational uses, restricted access to the land, limited parking, or due to being too ecologically sensitive for hunting.
Conservation easements are NOT owned by the Lake George Land Conservancy. To receive permission to hunt on lands protected by a conservation easement, please contact the landowner of the protected property.
All hunters must comply with NYS DEC hunting rules and regulations. Click here to view the DEC hunting page.
For everyone’s safety, we recommend that hunters and hikers wear hunter orange and exercise caution when using our preserves, especially during deer season.
The 2024 application period is now closed.
All applications will be processed during the week of September 16. If approved, your permit will be sent by email.
All hunters are required to secure permission from the LGLC each year that they wish to hunt on the LGLC preserve. Being approved to hunt on LGLC lands in previous years does not guarantee approval for this year.
Please note that an application does NOT grant permission to hunt on LGLC lands. Permission to hunt is not granted unless and until you receive a permit from the Lake George Land Conservancy. Thank you for your cooperation!
Protecting the land that protects the lake since 1988. The Lake George Land Conservancy is an accredited not-for-profit land trust dedicated to working with willing landowners and other partners to protect the world-renowned water quality of Lake George and to permanently preserve the natural, scenic, historical and recreational resources of the Lake George Region.