April 22, 2022 Northeastern Shoreline Initiative
Town of Putnam
This event was the culmination of nine years of conservation work in the northeast region of Lake George, from Bluff Head in Dresden, to Lamb Shanty Bay in Putnam. Working in partnership with The Nature Conservancy’s Adirondack Chapter and the Adirondack Land Trust, the Silver Bay YMCA (then Silver Bay Association), and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the LGLC helped to protect a total of 1,014 acres of land and 2.6 miles of Lake George shoreline — an investment total of $4.2M.
Thanks to the efforts of Hank Rowan, the Rowan family and many others from the community, enough was raised to protect these important lands, that were ultimately sold to the State and protected forever.
More than 30 years since our first efforts to protect lands in this region, we successfully brought the community together again for the same important purpose of protecting a large piece of unspoiled and pristine shoreline to protect Lake George. The Clark Hollow Bay project has resulted in the permanent protection of another 60 acres and 2,530 feet of shoreline, and has effectively linked the previously disconnected protected lands.
The LGLC purchased the Clark Hollow Bay property in June, 2022, and completed fundraising for the project in August. This accomplishment was made possible thanks to generous support from many individuals and organizations who committed hundreds of gifts and pledges towards this project, including the Beaty Family Challenge, and a $3.76 million NYS Water Quality grant awarded last December.
The first protection project in Lake George’s northeast region was completed in 1990. This 168-acre property, later known as the Margaret Boyd Rowan Preserve, includes 4,470 feet of shoreline, and sits in the middle of what would become the Northeastern Shoreline Initiative. This property was transferred to New York State in 1994, and dedicated in 1999.
In 1993, two more properties were protected: the 480-acre Lamb Shanty Bay Upland, and 8-acre Racket Point Shoreline. Lamb Shanty Bay Upland continues to be held in private ownership, protected by deed covenants and restrictions. Racket Point Shoreline was transferred to New York State.
In 1997, the 300-acre Northeast Shoreline property was purchased and transferred to New York State, protecting 6,645 feet of lake shoreline.
The last piece protected in the 90’s was the 60-acre Lamb Shanty Bay Shoreline, which includes 2,530 feet of shoreline, and shares its northern border with the Clark Hollow Bay property. This property was purchased in 1998 and transferred to New York State in 1999.