

207 Acres



The Anthony’s Nose Preserve offers a relatively short – less than one mile – but challenging, steep ascent to the top of Record Hill and fantastic views of northern Lake George.

From the trailhead on Schwerdtfeger Road, the trail climbs moderately in a westerly direction for 0.30 miles, before turning north to ascend 665 feet over 1/2-mile to the top of Record Hill (elevation of 1,265 feet). You will note that there is a second viewing area that looks north along the lake.

For the first 0.25 miles the trail follows a right-of-way, with a fence marking the southern boundary. Please respect the adjoining landowner’s privacy and do not cross the fence.

Please note: the trail does not extend beyond the summit of Record Hill. There are no official trails to Flat Rock at this time. Do not attempt to hike westward to the summit of Anthony’s Nose; the trail has purposefully been kept away from the cliffs in order to avoid any possible disturbance of nesting peregrine falcons. Access from the water is not recommended, as it is a very steep and rocky shoreline.

Panoramic view of Lake George from Anthony’s Nose

Preserve Guidelines

A blue circular trail sign with white lettering is pinned to a tree trunk. The sign reads "Blue Trail Lake George Land Conservancy 518-644-9673"

Anthony’s Nose is open year-round, dawn to dusk.

Please park only in the park’s designated areas. Winter hikers: note that the parking lot does NOT get plowed.

Please stay on the marked trails.

Leashed dogs are permitted. Please clean up after your dog.

Please be courteous of other preserve guests.

No removal of plants or animals without permission.

LGLC allows hunting at Anthony’s Nose by permit only. Please visit our Hunting on LGLC Lands page for more information and to apply for a hunting permit.

Please use caution when hiking during hunting seasons – wear bright colors and hike in groups. Hunters – please be aware of hikers and hunt away from trails. Please follow NYS DEC’s Hunting Safety Rules

No camping, littering or fires.

Motorized or non-motorized recreational vehicles are NOT allowed.

About Us

Protecting the land that protects the lake since 1988. The Lake George Land Conservancy is an accredited not-for-profit land trust dedicated to working with willing landowners and other partners to protect the world-renowned water quality of Lake George and to permanently preserve the natural, scenic, historical and recreational resources of the Lake George Region.

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